EMC Test:
-Conducted Emissions Testing:
Fischer Custom Communications- F61: HF current probe for use between 1MHz-1GHz; Fischer Custom Communications FCC F-61 Current Probe
Fischer Custom Communications- F120: HF current probe for use between 10kHz-175MHz; Fischer Custom Communications FCC F-120 Current Probe Bulk Injection Probe
Wayne Kerr- LSN30B: LISN for power cables for use between 150kHz-30MHz
Electro-Metrics EM7820: LISN for power cables for use between 150kHz-30MHz; Electro-Metrics EM7820 Datasheet
Rohde & Schwarz ENY22: ISN for communications cables for use between 150kHz-30MHz; Rohde & Schwarz ENY22 Datasheet
Fischer Custom Communications TLISN-T4: ISN for communications cables for use between 150kHz-30MHz; FCC TLISN-T4 Datasheet
York- CNE-V: Comparative Noise Source for use between 9kHz-30MHz; York CNE-V Comparative Noise Emitter Source
-Radiated Emissions Testing:
Tescom- TC5060A: GTEM cell for small devices for use between 100MHz-3GHz; Tescom 5060A GTEM EMC Cell Chamber
Tekbox- TBPS01 & TBWA2: Near-field probes and amplifier for use between 100kHz-2GHz; Tekbox TBPS01 & TBWA2 Near Field EMC Probes
ETS Lindgren- 3110B: Biconical measurement antenna for use between 30MHz-300MHz; ETS Lindgren 3110B Biconical Measurement Antenna
York- CNE-V: Noise source for use between 30MHz-1GHz; York CNE-V Comparative Noise Emitter Source
-ESD Testing:
EM-Test – Dito: ESD gun for use up to 16.5kV; EM-Test Dito Instruction
Schaffner- NSG433: ESD gun for use up to 18kV; SCHAFFNER NSG 433 Instruction
Schaffner- NSG431: ESD gun for use up to 21kV; SCHAFFNER NSG 431 Instruction
RF Test:
Siglent – SVA1032X: Vector Network Analyser for use up to 3.2GHz; Siglent SVA1032X Data Sheet
Siglent – SSAX3032X: Spectrum Analyser for use up to 3.2GHz; Siglent SSA3032X Data Sheet
Rohde & Schwarz- SMT03: RF signal generator for use between 5kHz-3GHz; Rohde Schwarz R&S SMT03 RF Signal Generator
Rohde & Schwarz- NRP-Z91: RF power meter for use between 9kHz-6GHz; Rohde & Schwarz R&S NRP-Z91 RF Power Meter
Boonton- 93A: RF RMS voltmeter for use between DC-35MHz; Boonton 93A RF RMS Voltmeter
Amplifier Research 5W1000: RF Amplifier for use between 500kHz and 1000MHz at power levels of 5W; Amplifier Research 5W1000 Datasheet
Amplifier Research 777: RF Pre-amplifier for use between 5kHz and 300MHz; Amplifier Research 777 Datasheet
Agilent- 11947A: Transient Limiter for use up to 200MHz; Agilent-11947A-Specifications
Attenuators, Directional couplers, Amplifiers etc.
Audio Test:
Audio Precision- System Two: Fully PC controlled audio test system; Audio Precision System Two + DSP
Audio Precision- System One: Fully PC controlled audio test system; Audio Precision System One Dual Domain
Earthworks- DM30: Precision 1/4″ capsule measurement microphone; Earthworks M30 D30 Measurement Microphone
Digitech- QM1592: SPL meter & calibrator; Digitech QM1592 SPL Meter & Calibrator
Siglent- SDS2504X Plus: Oscilloscope for use up to 500MHz; Siglent SDS2504X Plus Data Sheet
Agilent- MSO2024A: Oscilloscope for use up to 200MHz; Agilent- MSO2024A Data Sheet
Tektronix- P6046: Differential probe for use between DC-100MHz; Tektronix P6046 Differential Voltage Probe
Hewlett Packard- 54701A: Active probe for use between DC-2.5GHz; Agilent 54701A Datasheet
Tektronix- A6302 & AM503B: AC/DC current probe and amplifier for use between DC to 50MHz; Tektronix A6302 Hall Effect Current Probe
Hewlett Packard- 1141A: Differential probe for use between DC-200MHz; Agilent 1141A Datasheet
Tektronix- P6013: High voltage probe for use between DC-100kHz at voltages up to 12kV; Tektronix P6013 High Voltage Probe
Tektronix-CT5: High current transformer for use between 1Hz-20MHz at currents up to 1000A; Tektronix CT5 High Current Transformer
Power Test:
BK Precision- 8500: Electronic load 300W for use up to 120V and 30A; BK Precision 8500 Electronic Load
BK Precision- 9183: Power Supply, 200W for use up to 70V and 6A; BK Precision 9183 Power Supply
Agilent E3620A: Power Supply, 50W dual power supply for use up to 28V and 1A; Agilent E3620A Power Supply
Uni-T UT501A: Insulation Resistance Tester for use up 1kV; Uni-T UT501A Datasheet
Other Test:
FLIR- I7: Infra-red camera; Flir i7 Digital Camera
BK Precision- 879B: 10kHz LCR Meter. BK Precision 879B LCR Meter